Best ways to water the garden during a hose pipe ban
Drought conditions across the country have seen water companies introduce hosepipe bans in many areas. Yorkshire water declared their hosepipe ban on 26th August as Yorkshire has the lowest rainfall since records began over 130 years ago. Rivers and Reservoirs are running low which means tougher water usage restrictions are now in place. Here are a few tips to keep your garden hydrated without wasting water.
Water Butts
Water butts collect rain water which have no minerals or chemicals added so it is much kinder to garden plants than tap water. If you are on a water meter collecting rainwater can reduce the monthly bills and reduces rainwater runoff into drains. Water butts are simple to install and can be used in many gardens if there is a down pipe.
Grey water
Grey water is recycled water so water which comes from a bath, shower or washing machine. Using grey water for the garden is a great option as it prevents waste. Put the grey water into any container e.g. buckets, watering can to transfer it into the garden. The advice is to save water for upto 24 hours but not beyond this time frame as it will begin to grow harmful bacteria.
Tips to save water:
- Don't pour any water away even cooled water from the kettle or from cooking use this to water the garden
- Turn the tap off when brushing your teeth
- Opt for a shower instead of a bath
- Use a water butt to collect rain water
- Choose plants with grey or silver leaf colouring as they reflect the suns rays helping to withhold moisture.
- Top three drought resistant plants for the garden: Agapanthus 'Silver Baby', geraniums and bearded irises