How To Help Wildlife In Your Garden This Summer

These last few days have been a scorcher for Britain with record temperatures. The heat is often loved by many but for some it can also be quite unbearable, as well as the wildlife who visit the garden. 

Here are a few tips for our wildlife friends to help them thrive this summertime. 

Bird baths are a great way to ensure our feathered guests keep cool. Bathing is so important to birds as they no sweat glands means that they struggle to keep their body temperature under control in high temperatures. The humble bird bath also provides a place for the birds to drink, so it plays quite a major role in any bird loving garden space. If you do not have a bird bath already to keep filled up opt for a shallow dish of water and place it in the garden it will be much appreciated on those hot summer days and evenings. A shallow dish filled with water will also provide a welcoming source of water for our hedgehogs. Providing hedgehog homes and shelter will help them find shelter and encourage them to hibernate in your garden over the winter time. 

Ponds look lovely in summer time however adding a small ramp gives wildlife visiting the pond for a drink the ability to get back out. Frogs, Hedgehogs or other mammals can come and go as they please. 

Bees are vital for the ecosystem as we all know so add plenty of bee friendly flowers into the garden. Recycle old fire pits or barbecues and fill them with flowers that the bees will love. If you ever find an exhausted bee use a shallow container with water and sugar in and place the bee carefully on some pebbles in the water ensuring it will not drown. This will allow the bee to get more energy and you will often then see the bee fly away once its had its lot. 

Remember in the hot weather wildlife need our help more than ever so use our friendly reminders to help them out this summer in your garden. It may not seem like a big difference but to our wildlife visitors it will make all the difference. 

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